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Transformation Theory (George Land)


George Land (1932- 2016) was an author, speaker, consultant, and general systems scientist. He formulated his Theory of Transformation in the late 1960s. With his Transformation Theory George Land makes the analogy between nature and humans: in order to survive we need to re-invent ourselves. In periods of success most humans tend to keep doing things the ‘old’ way, but we deliberately need to apply disruptive divergent creative thinking in order to prevent dead. 


The Transformation theory of George Land describes the process that is seen in nature everywhere. In order to survive, an experimentation phase is necessary, exploring different alternatives in order to find the best. This he calls the invention phase. When found and selected the best possible solution (for that moment), a new phase starts. Land calls this the improvement phase. After a period of time resources are consumed and a new invention phase as to be entered, otherwise it (specie or business) will not survive. The system has to re-invent itself.

Land describes how different use and application of creativity is necessary in these different phases: the rules for success change. In the invention phase it is about diverging and exploring (what we would currently call disruptive innovation), while in the improvement phase is it about improving, adapting and modifying (what we would currently call incremental innovation). The rules for success change from experimentation to replication of success (Ainsworth-Land, G., 1986). This is an ongoing process of interlocking S-curves as shown in the figure on this website.


Land's Transformation theory is applied to business and the creative process. It yields three distinct approaches to problem solving: Invention, Improvement, Innovation. Land clearly describes a different set of rules for each phase. The system must be aware of which set of rules are currently operative (Ainsworth-Land, G., 1986). The Transformation theory is very much accepted and adopted by innovation consultants and companies worldwide. 



Breakpoint and Beyond: Mastering the Future Today with Beth Jarmen (1992)

Grow or Die (1973)


Ted Talk to watch:

George Land on the Failure of Success






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