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Creativity skills

What helps me to be creative?


Visualize rich & colorfully:

  • I love to use visuals and words to express my thoughts and ideas. I'm not a great artist, but the Bikablo technique has helped me to draw simple illustrations. If you want to learn more about Bikablo, visit this website.

  • They provide training world-wide. On my iPad, I create journals to capture things I learn during my Master's, using an app called Paper by 53. For more information, visit this website.

Let humor flow and use it: 

  • I love to make associations with words and funny expressions.

  • I don't tend to take myself too seriously when I make mistakes and tend to laugh a lot when I do so.

Visionary thinking:

  • I do a lot of day-dreaming and scenario-planning for my own life, but also love to facilitate others in thinking about the future and what they like to achieve. Magazine Cover (check out this website) and Storyboarding (check out this digital tool) are some of my favorite techniques to do so.


  • For work, I travel around the world and work with many different cultures. I love to understand the differences and similarities between people and like to hear their stories. 

  • At home, I read a lot of different books/articles to understand historical events or new concepts.


  • Personally, I have a strong need to be able to make things tangible, even more so when everything becomes so digital. Reason why I like Paper is because I can use a physical pen to write and draw.

  • I love to encourage people to build their ideas in physical concepts, for example by using art materials, lego, K-Nex etc.


What are areas of development I'm seeking to improve? 


Be aware of emotions/Mindfulness

  • I'd like to practice to be more in tune with my own emotions and emotions of others. To be able to take a step back before I respond.

  • This works in 2 ways:

  1. Avoid saying yes to everything that comes my way but take some time to think it through, for example by saying "Let me come back to you" or write an email response in 1-2 days time rather than immediately.

  2. Try not to respond upset when people respond differently than I had expected. Rather than becoming directive, start asking more neutral questions instead, for example, "Can you elaborate why you think/feel this way?"


Sensitivity to the environment

  • Related to the point above, but more related to the question how I can get other people behind my ideas?

  • Deliberately practicing with tools like Assistance & Resistance might help me to create more awareness and think about different ways to communicate my thoughts.


Tolerance for risks/courage

  • Try to be less insecure about my more ambitious goals and be more vocal.

  • Writing my vision down as part of the Philosophy and Personal Paper is already a step in the right direction.

  • Next step is to get the courage to communicate this vision to others outside of a safe environment.


Keep open to novelty/avoid premature closure

  • Although I'm good at encouraging divergent thinking, I can improve to help others with their convergent thinking by letting them deliberately use a tool like PPCO looking at the pluses first and to stay open for novelty.

  • To learn more, watch this video from Dr. Susan Keller_Mathers about how to facilitate this tool.


Make it swing, Make it ring

  • Love to emphasize learning whereby the whole body is engaged.

  • I could start with reviewing my workshop agendas and insert more physical/musical activities, for example by stimulating the participants to 'act out their presentations' through role-play, song or dance.







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